Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS485 from 1 or more connected devices using nationwide LPWAN network NB-IoT
It contains the products and their parameters.
Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS485 from 1 or more connected devices using nationwide LPWAN network NB-IoT
Remote transmission for 2-8 vibrating wire (VW) sensors using a nationwide LPWAN IoT network NB-IoT.
Remote transmission for vibrating wire (VW) sensors using a nationwide LPWAN IoT network NB-IoT.
Remote transmission for vibrating wire (VW) sensors using a nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX.
Remote transmission for 1-5 vibrating wire (VW) sensors using a nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX.
Remote monitoring of tilt using the nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX
NB-IoT communication gateway from several SENSECOM end devices simultaneously (via WLAN) to the national NB-IoT network.
Repeater for transferring data from selected type of SENSECOM device from WLAN to a nationwide SIGFOX network.
Communication gateway for transferring data from 1-5 selected SENSECOM devices in WLAN to a nationwide SIGFOX network.
Communication gateway for transferring data from 1-3 selected SENSECOM devices in WLAN to a nationwide SIGFOX network.
Repeater for transferring data from several selected SENSECOM devices in WLAN to a nationwide SIGFOX network.
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