Groundwater dynamics with online monitoring
Cross-border Czech-German Hydrogeological Mining Conference
We invite you to the conference, where you can enrich yourselves with new experiences of colleagues who have been using online data from dozens of drill holes from a number of mines in the North Bohemia region for several years.
Online monitoring is used in these areas throughout the entire mining life cycle, from the exploration phase, through active mining, preparation for closure, to reclamation and conservation management;
A highlight of the presentation is the experience from online monitoring during the exploration of future lithium mining in Cínovec, which is taking place on both sides of the Czech-German border.
Those interested can also visit two Cínovec hydraulic wells (open well with 1 probe/water level, closed well with 2 probes/pore pressure in 2 reservoirs). It is recommended to take off-road shoes, about 300 m must be walked along the forest path.
The official languages of the conference are Czech/German with consecutive interpretation into German/Czech.
We look forward to welcoming you to the spa town of Teplice on 7 March 2024.
Conference themes
- Types and dynamics of aquifer reactions in pumping tests
- Verification of aquifer structure – correlation of aquifer behaviour
- Reaction of aquifers/collectors during seismic test
- Effects of tidal forces on aquifers and rocks
- Monitoring changes in the shape of the depression cone
- Reducing levels on landfills
- Detection of landslide hazard areas
- Monitoring the thermal potential of aquifers
- Monitoring of buried mine shafts
with differences at different stages of the life cycle: exploration, extraction and reclamation
Teplice, Czech Republic
7. března 2024

Place of the event:
Hotel Prince de Ligne
Zámecké náměstí 136
41501 Teplice
Česká republika
Phone: +420 417 514 111
Mobile: +420 602 725 462
Email: info@princedeligne.cz
The conference is organized by SmartImp, s.r.o. under the auspices of Severočeské doly, a.s. and in cooperation with Geomet s.r.o. and the Research Institute of Brown Coal, a.s.
Registration fee
50EUR (incl. VAT)
is used to cover the costs of the conference
Marie Březinová (communication in CZ, DE)
Event Manager
T: +420 725 369 776
E: mbrezinova@smartimp.cz
Jana Lipková (communication in CZ, EN)
Executive Assistant
T: +420 603 418 796
E: jlipkova@smartimp.cz

Conference program
09:00 – 10:00 Registration and refreshments
10:00 – 10:50 Lecture by Ing. Mach, PhD, Mgr. Tomáš Kvašňovský
Several years knowledge from mining and reclamation – Bílina and Tušimice(Libouš) mines.
Discussion included.
10:50 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 11:50 Lecture by Ing. Žižka, PhD
Experience with online monitoring of groundwater levels in the central part of the Mostec Basin (Vršany and CSA opencast mine). Discussion included.
12:00 – 12:45 Lunch + friendly meeting of colleagues
12:50 – 13:00 Lecture by Ing. Lipka
Experience from installation and operation of online hydromonitoring
13:00 – 14:20 Lecture by Ing. Mach, PhD, Mgr. Tomáš Kvašňovský
Fresh knowledge from lithium exploration – Cínovec (Zinnwald) area. Discussion included.
14:30 – 16:00 Excursion Cínovec (Zinnwald)
Visit to two Cínovec locations: hydraulic boreholes (closed borehole with 2 probes/pore pressures in 2 reservoirs), well with 1 probe (open water level).
Note: bus provided (10 min trip to Cínovec area), on Cínovec about 250m forest path walk to monitored borehole and 500m to monitored well (please bring off-road shoes).
Communication and equipment
Czech with consecutive translation into German and back
Presentations will be shown in German
Field shoes, if you take part in the afternoon excursion to the Cínovec (Zinnwald) boreholes
Ing. Karel Mach, PhD
is the chief geologist of Severočeské doly throughout the entire mining life cycle, from exploration to reclamation. He is also involved in Geomet’s geological exploration in preparation for lithium mining in Cínovec.
Mgr. Tomáš Kvašňovský
is a hydrogeologist at Geomet, a lithium exploration company.
Ing. Lukáš Žižka, PhD
is the Head of Geotechnics and Hydrogeology at the Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. (VÚHU). Most of his professional practice is devoted to issues related to mining hydrogeology in the Mostecká Basin. In 2006 and 2007 he worked as Mine Manager (Plant Quarry Manager) at open pit quarries in Malaysia (Sarawak Province). In his current position (VÚHU a. s.), he participated in the RAFF (Risk Assessment of Final pits during Flooding) project, funded by RFCS, which aimed to identify risk factors during flooding of residual pits after open pit mining.
Ing. Leszek Lipka
is involved in the development of maintenance-free IoT remote monitoring applications at SmartImp.

Severočeské doly a.s.
Company Severočeské doly a.s. headquartered in Chomutov is a member of CEZ Holding a.s., its majority owner is the state. Severočeské doly (North Bohemian Mines) is responsible for the production of lignite in the Bílina and Tušimice mines.

Geomet a.s.
Company Severočeské doly a.s. is the majority owner of Geomet, a.s. company with its registered office in Dubí. Geomet is responsible for lithium exploration in the Cínovec (Zinnwald) area on the Czech side and cooperates with colleagues providing exploration on the German side of the Cínovec (Zinnwald) area.

Research Institute for Brown Coal, a.s. (VÚHU), Most
VÚHU, within the hydrogeology department and in cooperation with SEVEN a.s., provides monitoring and research on mining closure for the ČSA and Vršany mines in the Mostecká area and for mines in the Sokolovská area. The Lom ČSA and Vršany mines are owned by the private group Czech Coal a.s. and the mines in the Sokolovská area are owned by the private company Sokolovská uhelná, a.s. (SUAS).

SmartImp s.r.o.
SmartImp s.r.o., based in Prague, is engaged in the development and production of low-power IoT communication and measurement devices for energy, mining, utilities, construction and geology.