Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS485 from 1 or more connected devices using nationwide LPWAN network NB-IoT


Remote impulse readings with data transmission via nationwide NB-IoT Remote consumption reading of electricity, water, gas, etc. based on pulse sensors Primary input – CNT0, CNT1 – voltage-free* inputs for pulse meter readings. The CNT0 input can split the pulses into 2 counters according to the medium flow direction. DIR – voltage-free* input used to […]



RFID card readings with transmission data over IoT nationwide network Applicable for people’s occasional entrances to buildings, workplaces, walk points, vigilance button Suitable for outdoor, dusty and otherwise demanding industrial applications. RFID reader activated by single button (model IDN1) Endurance > 2 years without battery replacement (~5 messages per day) Outdoor IP67 Transmission using NB-IoT nationwide network



RFID card readings with transmission data over IoT nationwide network Applicable for people’s occasional entrances to buildings, workplaces, walk points, vigilance button Suitable for outdoor, dusty and otherwise demanding industrial applications. RFID reader activated by one of two buttons to distinguish purpose of reading (model IDN2) Endurance > 2 years without battery replacement (~5 messages […]


Remote transmission device for temperature monitoring of up to 6 thermistors using LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX, built in antenna.


Remote impulse readings with data transmission via nationwide LPWAN IoT network NB-IoT


Remote transmission of energy meter data using the IEC62056-21 optical data interface via the nationwide LPWAN network NB-IoT


Remote transmission of meter data using the IEC62056-21 optical data interface via the SIGFOX nationwide LPWAN IoT network


Remote impulse readings with data transmission via nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX


Remote impulse readings with data transmission via nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX.


Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS485 (galvanically separated) using nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX


Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS422 (galvanically separated) using nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX


Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS485 using nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX, battery powered.


Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS232 (galvanically separated) using nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX.


Remote reading device for MODBUS serial data transmission over RS232 using nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX, battery powered..



Remote monitoring of tilt using the nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX

SENSECOM-WNH (gateway)

NB-IoT communication gateway from several SENSECOM end devices simultaneously (via WLAN) to the national NB-IoT network.

SENSECOM-WSH (repeater)

Repeater for transferring data from selected type of SENSECOM device from WLAN to a nationwide SIGFOX network.