IoT transmission device for analog sensors via nationwide LPWAN IoT network SIGFOX
- 1-3 analog inputs
- 1 channel built-in, another 2 via plug-in modules ANCM or ANCT
- 18bit A / D converters (16bit accuracy)
- Connectable sensor types (independently configurable channels):
- voltage unbalanced (0 to 10V)
- voltage balanced (-5 to + 5V or -10 to + 10V)
- potentiometric with excitation of reference voltage
- strain gauges (only via SENSECOM-ANCT module)
- Adjustable several-second delay / pre-trig of the measurement start and its signaling by the optocoupler
- Input for manual start of measurement (voltage-free switched contact)
- > 5 years without battery replacement with 2 measurements per day
- semi-external rod (alternatively ext. hat) antenna
- IP65 (with silicone IP67)
- Communication to the nationwide IoT network SIGFOX